Profile: Lisa May, Executive Vice President of Data Facts

    From the time 11-year-old Lisa talked some neighbor friends into starting a lemonade stand near a prime cross street, she knew a business career was her destiny. In 1991, Lisa joined Data Facts as a Sales Representative for the company’s Credit Reporting division. Within five years, she was moved to the Background Screening division and promoted to the Background Screening Division Sales Manager. As the company grew into a national organization, she was promoted again to the VP of Marketing & Sales to fully develop a strong marketing department. In 2021, Lisa was promoted to Executive Vice President and became part of the Data Facts ownership.
    She won the Salesperson of the Year or Eagle Award four times and Data Facts’ highest award, The Diamond Award (Employee of the Year), once. How was she so successful in sales? “I ask questions and really listen to the client to uncover pain points and find solutions for them. I believe clients understand my commitment to their success as a partner. I may even discover things that they didn’t even know were a problem.”
    As a passionate community leader, she has served on the SHRM-Memphis Board and completed the New Memphis Institute’s Leadership Development Intensive course. She is also involved with the Chattanooga Women’s Leadership Institute, the Southeast Tennessee SHRM chapter, and many charities like the Memphis Humane Society and St. Jude.
    Lisa attributes her success to her people skills and her ability to adapt to change. She says: “Success is about building strong relationships with your team and clients, as trust and collaboration are keys to success. Since the industry changes rapidly, staying adaptable and open to new challenges is essential. Embracing opportunities where I could learn and grow helped me make a direct contribution and move my career forward.”
    As an avid learner, Lisa sought out ways to develop her skillset and deepen her knowledge. I’ve always believed that you can never stop learning. “I immersed myself in the changing technology trends. I attended HR Technology Conferences regularly, which provided invaluable insights into the latest advancements and trends. Additionally, she built strategic partnerships with our vendors to learn everything they knew, which helped me stay ahead of the curve. Even with the huge tech advances, I always kept my focus on understanding and anticipating what our customers needed.”
    Lisa earned a Bachelor of Business Administration at the University of Memphis, majoring in Marketing. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family and dogs, boating, gardening, and traveling.