We are so excited to feature Dr. Scott Cawood, CCP, GRP, CSCP, CBP, CEO of WorldatWork, on our August cover! An in-demand speaker, presenter, and author—his second book, The New Work Exchange: Embracing the Future by Putting Employees First, hit shelves this past June—Cawood has turned his gaze toward the future of the HR profession and of work in general. He is intimately familiar with the angle; as CEO of the member-based association WorldatWork since 2015, he has set out to safeguard the human resources and total rewards professions, keeping them current and relevant as our workplaces rapidly change and the expectations of both employers and workers shift.
It is our pleasure to introduce to WorldatWork , the Total Rewards Association. Total Rewards is an integral function of Human Resources. According to a recent survey, 90% of hiring managers prefer comp candidates with WorldatWork credentials. Please see Page 12-13 to learn more about the certifications they offer. These certifications can help you increase your skills to advance your career and drive performance in your organization. Here is a link (https://fb.watch/m3NZcpPW6B/)to view my interview with Dr. Cawood at the 2023 Alabama SHRM Conference in Perdido Bay in May.
We are kicking off our fall SHRM Conference season with the 45th Annual HR Florida Conference & Expo in Orlando August 27-30. The 39th Annual Kentucky SHRM Conference coincides on August 29-31 in Lexington. September 14th we will be covering the Texas SHRM Global Conference in Houston, and then on to beautiful Chattanooga September 20-22 for 2023 TNSHRM Conference. The NCSHRM Conference will also be September 20-22 in Wilmington.
There are four more exciting conferences we are looking forward to in October beginning with the HR Tampa Conference October 6. We will be in fabulous Lanier Islands for the One SHRM Georgia Conference October 11-13. Next, we will travel to Fort Smith for the ARSHRM Conference in charming Hot Springs October 18-20. We are in lovely Savannah, GA, October 30-November 1 for the SHRM Inclusion Conference. We will bring you the exciting highlights from each conference!
Want to be a SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP? If you are not yet a certified HR professional, you have an excellent opportunity coming up! Our next Online SHRM Certification Exam Prep Class begins October 15. You can register on our website to join our class. The deadline to register is October 8. These classes are affordable and convenient! You can take the class from the comfort of your home on your own computer. We are proud of our 90% pass rate! Get certified!
Hope you are enjoying our Thursday sponsored webinars! Mark your calendar now and plan to join us for my monthly webinar sponsored by Data Facts. You will earn 1.00 SHRM PDC and 1.00 HRCI Business Credit. It will be August 24 at 2 PM CT. Watch your email for your invitation! If you are not receiving an invitation to our weekly webinars, you can click on “Subscriptions” on our website.

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Twitter @cythomps